Tag: public exponent

  • Updating u-boot on GuruPlug Server PLUS

    Updating u-boot on GuruPlug Server PLUS



    After long post starvation period GuruPlug got chance to be used again.It seems logical, that all the software needs updated. I’ve checked my old post, and it seems like it has some parts missing, and those links with u-boot images doesn’t have any recent update. So I’m here to fix that part.As it’s a follow…

  • Cracking the RSA keys (Part 1 – getting the private exponent)



    The whole idea of the RSA private key is the hardness of factorisation of two very large prime numbers. That’s why recommended RSA keys are >2048bit long. I won’t get into RSA details itself. If You need any info, it’s here: WIKI For a sake of demonstration, 256bit public_key will be used. With the current…