Tag: recover private key

  • Cracking the RSA keys (Part 2 – generating the private key)



    Previous part: Part 1 – Cracking the RSA keys (Part 1 – getting the private exponent) PART 2 For a private key generation, we need to create an asn1parse.txt file with the contents of: asn1=SEQUENCE:rsa_key [rsa_key] version=INTEGER:0 modulus=INTEGER:0 pubExp=INTEGER:0 privExp=INTEGER:0 p=INTEGER:0 q=INTEGER:0 e1=INTEGER:0 e2=INTEGER:0 coeff=INTEGER:0

  • Cracking the RSA keys (Part 1 – getting the private exponent)



    The whole idea of the RSA private key is the hardness of factorisation of two very large prime numbers. That’s why recommended RSA keys are >2048bit long. I won’t get into RSA details itself. If You need any info, it’s here: WIKI For a sake of demonstration, 256bit public_key will be used. With the current…